Center, Texas- The last thing Christ directed His friends to do before He left the earth was to fulfill “The Great Commission,” a call to go into the whole world with the Good News and make followers of those who don’t know Christ. With this as their catalyst, community members and local churches have joined forces to organize KINGDOM HARVEST a one night crusade scheduled for Wednesday, November 30th at 6:30 pm. The event is open to the public and free to attend. It will be held at The John D. Windham Civic Center in Center, TX with special guests, Evangelist Ken Freeman and the Jason Lovins Band
"Putting an event like this together is no small feat. Several local churches have already committed to support the Crusade, and hopes are many more will join in,” stated Levi Willoughby, local Youth Pastor and one of the event's organizer. “We have many opportunities for service and support."

Rusty Hall, local Pastor, said organizers are optimistic that the crusade will result in many salvations. “I have been involved in many crusades, and the events are always life-changing.” He said the effort spans denominational lines, and the desire is that it “will energize our churches.” He added that the crusade “is a big thing to put together — it’s a sacrifice. But when people are willing to make that sacrifice, God comes through with the resources.” If you would like to get involved, there is still time.

Examples of service opportunities include:

  • Counselors the night of the event
  • Transportation to/from the event
  • Parking attendants
  • Event set-up/take-down
  • Prayer Team
  • Publicity/Outreach
  • Ushers
  • Financial

Counselor Training for the event will be held Sunday, November 13th at 4:30 p.m. at Smyrna Baptist Church in Huxley, Texas. Anyone interested in volunteering is encouraged to contact event organizers by phone to see where they can serve. If you are unable to serve, please don’t miss the opportunity to hear the word and worship with us on November 30th. Additionally, we ask that you join us in prayer for the event, its organizers and for attendees' hearts to be open to the gospel

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